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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Activity 1

Personally, I think virtual courses can be useful since you can improve your knowledge at home. What Module 1 teaches us is how to use virtual campus as a learning tool. If interested in the course, the learner needs to have some previous knowlegde about surfing the internet, since the course requires so.
On the other hand, Module 1 starts from a very basic point. This course lets the learner know how to use the internet in order to be able, in the future, to learn autonomously.
There is something I don't agree with: the exhaustive chart learners are required to fill in. I really think that the aspects asked in the chart should be disscused personally with a teacher that could help the learner at the moment. I do think these aspects are important to take into account, but they should be dealt personally with the teacher.

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