This article talks about how to integrate new technologies in the process of learning a language, and of course teaching it. Even though the actual system of education is reluctant to incorporate all this new technologies I think they are crucial when teaching, the new generations were born using a computer, for them it is more natural to surf the internet rather than looking something in the paper encyclopedia. The author explains that using CMC is like face-to-face chatting, learners from different countries can chat online with the same efficiency of a face-to-face conversation. Personally I always like to incorporate a video or a webpage in my teaching since it surprises the students, mainly adults, how useful can internet be when learning an L2.
The author also states that using imagery or video is much more effective than translating. I completely agree because this is the reason why we use flashcards; they are very visual, and for kids I think this is the best way of learning new vocabulary without translating it to their L1. In my opinion, teachers should try to use the students L1 as little as possible, of course that sometimes with low levels a prompt is needed but I think that imagery and videos can help a lot.
All in all, this text provides a good teaching guide on new teaching methods combined with technology; it provides the teacher with a new full range of activities. We are in the 21stC. we should incorporate all the new possibilities to our teaching and learning processes.
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