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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Activity 2: Language learning strategies

Module I was helpful in certain skills such as acquiring grammar or vocabulary but failed in others like speaking. In this kind of online courses it is very difficult to plan speaking activities. On the other hand, in this webpage you can find many different ideas of practicing the new language orally, such as language clubs or speaking to friends. I think this webpage is more useful than the module because it covers all the skills and therefore the learning is complete.

Module I was monitored by a teacher who told the students how to learn the language and the exercises they had to do, but this webpage is more oriented to an autonomous learning. It is the student who decides which skill to practice and how to practice finding the right activity, since not all the activities are useful for all kinds of learners. Module I only focused on the theoretical view of the language whereas this site focuses on the theoretical view but also the social part of the foreign language learning.

To sum up, this webpage is much more complete than the Module I. In my opinion, the webpage takes into account all the fields of language learning and gives tips to all sorts of students with different learning styles and needs.

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