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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Activity 4: Changing education paradigms

What the video tries to say is that education needs a change since it was conveived in the past and it has just became stucked there. Chidren have changed, why shouldn't they deserve a new educational system?

I fully agree with Sir Ken Robinson when he says that nowadays system was conceived in the intellectual culture of the Enlightment, as well as in the economic circumstances of the industrial revolution; and although revolution means change, no progress has been made in education.

I also agree with him when he talks about ADHD, it is a matter of debate, but still, taking into account that children nowadays are surrounded by technology devices, it is easier for them to get distracted. Who are the ones to blame? the technological devices only? I don't think so. The education system should change in order to make the lessons funnier, children would enjoy them more, and distraction would disapear, but instead, school is seen as boring stuff. Giving them pills is no the solution.

Refering to arts, what Sir Ken Robinson says is something I agree with completely. Arts is a way to express yoour own feelings, is not soomething static, but smething that can make you change. That is what children need, to be themselves, let them show what and how they feel!
As a teacher I have detected the problems he mentins about having the children separate in age gruops, since the level may be different, what is the use in having a very good student who is 10 next to a not so very good one same age sitting next to him? There is no way any of them is going to profit the lesson.

I think education needs a change, we should start taking into account what the future is bringing the children, and they should be prepared. Making them focus just because this is what the system states is not the solution. As teachers we should take advantadge of what the kids can teach us, we should let them show what they are able to do.

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