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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Activity 9. Evaluating wikis

Group 1: I’m listening

Including tips and some exercises directly in the wiki would be better. Also, they should add some links for more data and interests.

Group 2: Listkids

They should include completed listening activities in the wiki.

Group 3: English4kids

They should use a forum for students to share funny comments and issues.

Group 4: Listenings and videos

As the webpage is for teachers, they should include a teacher’s community in order to interact to each other and exchange data.

Group 5: Writing goes First

Group 6: Clilsports

They should include lessons plans in order to know what to do in an English lesson talking about sports. How teachers can organize lessons linked to sports. How teachers can use activities and make a fun class.

Group 7: Great job

This webpage is a 2chaos”. It is a bit difficult to follow. There is nos a understandable map. Students and teachers can feel confused and lost. The website should be better organized.

Group 8: Informal English site

I think that their wiki is very good organized. They also include videos and they show the proper use of this informal part of the language.

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